Copyright © Indiana Rocketry, Inc. 2025

Indiana Rocketry, Inc.

Check the calendar for the latest updates to the launch schedule.

IMPORTANT: Please be respectful of the landowner’s property at all times. They have allowed us to use their land to fly rockets, and we need to be sure and minimize our impact on their business!



Our launches are open to the public; members and visitors are welcome to come spectate and/or fly.
Spectating is free; check out this page for more information.

At all launches, we set up a range of launch pads capable of handling model rockets. These pads come standard with 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4” rods, as well as rails that support mini, micro, and 1010 railbuttons.

Our launches are insured through TRA & NAR. We fully support the certification programs sponsored by each national rocketry organization for high power rocket activities. Members of both the Tripoli Rocketry Association and the National Association of Rocketry may fly high power rockets (using either certified or research motors) to the extent of their certification level, provided that proof of certification is shown at registration.

In addition to annual club memberships, Indiana Rocketry, Inc. offers non-members the option to pay daily flight fees, allowing visitors to launch rockets with us.

Level 1 and Level 2 certifications for both TRA and NAR are available at our launches. For level 2 certifications, please consult with our prefect ahead of time to make sure the appropriate written test is available. Our club has both TAP members and L3CC members to enable Tripoli and NAR Level 3 certifications, respectively; contact them for more information.

The launch field can be wet and muddy. Wear proper footwear and appropriate clothing.

Please pick up your trash and take it with you. We place a small trash bin at the LCO table in which to dispose of used igniters and plugs; please use it and help keep the field clean!

Do not, under any circumstances, drive in the fields. If you are flying a big, heavy project, come prepared with a plan to recover it. If you need help, there are always plenty of volunteers around the launch site willing to lend a hand.

Please supervise your children and be sure they understand the safety rules.

It is recommended to label all components of your rocket with your name and phone number; that way, if your rocket gets lost and is later found and returned, we can return it to you.

Please drive slowly when approaching the launch site to avoid throwing gravel onto parked cars and attendees.


Launch operations conducted under our FAA waiver are cleared to 16,000” MSL.

Launch Control via our Wilson F/X digital control system for safe and reliable launches.

Pads for Model Rockets (1/4A – G) – 1/8”, 3/16” and 1/4” rods and mini, micro, and 1010 rails.

Pads for High Power Rockets (H – J) – rail buttons strongly preferred, rods up to 1/2” available. Standard equipment on these pads is 8’ 1010 (1/4?, standard 1? extrusion) rails.

Pads for High Power rockets (K and above) – rail buttons required.
Standard equipment on these pads is 8’ long 1010  and 1515 rails.

A launch tower with both 1010 and 1515 rails is also available upon request.


  1. Register at the registration table. Read and sign your flyer waiver. If you are a visitor, pay your launch fees. (Members fly free and do NOT pay launch fees). You will be asked to show your valid TRA or NAR card if you are flying high power (Level 1, 2 or 3).
  2. Fill out your flight card.
  3. Prepare your rocket (without igniter) and bring it to the range safety officer (RSO) for a safety inspection.
  4. Following safety inspection, take your rocket to the Pad Manager for information on the status of the range and launch pad assignment for your rocket.
  5. When given the okay by the Pad Manager, take your rocket to the assigned launch pad, put it on the rod/rail, install the igniter, test the leads for no current, attach the leads to the igniter, and check the continuity.
  6. Walk back to the flight line and give your flight card to the Pad Manager/Launch Control Officer (LCO).
  7. Wait for your flight to be announced.
  8. For all certification flights, check with the LCO before the launch proceeds.
  9. After your flight, if your rocket lands within the controlled range space, wait for the LCO to open the range prior to recovering.

Note: there is a family cap of $15 for low power launch fees and $25 for high power launch fees; no family, regardless of age, number of fliers, power level, or membership status will pay more than $15 to fly low power or $25 if one or more members are flying high power.