Copyright © Indiana Rocketry, Inc. 2025

Indiana Rocketry, Inc.


Pence HP Launch Field is our high-power launch field.  This launch field is capable of handling up to O impulse motors. We use this field after crops have been harvested in the fall and before they are planted in the spring.
The field located in central Warren County.

The launch field is just north of Pence, Indiana, close to both Danville, Illinois and Hoopeston, Illinois. The launch field coordinates are: 40d 23' 12.38" N; 87d 30' 40.62" W. Field elevation is 709 feet above mean sea level (MSL).

Directions from Pence, Indiana:

From Pence, Indiana, go NORTH on County Road N 1000 W, 8,868 feet (1.68 miles) to the launch field on the left. Park in the grass on the North side of the lot.

Indiana Rocketry, Inc. would like to express our deep and sincere appreciation to all the Pence area landowners and farm managers for allowing us to use their property for a launch field.

Click here for location on Google Maps


Weather forecast for launch site.